Environmental, Social and Governance

At Houseful, we place our responsibilities to people, the planet and our investors at the heart of what we do. Our mission is to balance progress with care, empathy and ethical values.

What is ESG?

Woman analysing some fabric

How we protect the environment and help address climate change

Woman analysing some fabric

Our sustainability

Growing our business sustainably is incredibly important to us. Having recently completed our first full carbon footprint analysis, we intend to launch a Net Zero strategy in 2023. Now that we have a clear understanding of our emissions, we will invest in expert advice and publish our Net Zero strategy at the end of the year.

Woman analysing some fabric

Our wider role

The UK has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe, at least 60% of which are not energy efficient. Houseful is committed to supporting the decarbonisation of our homes.

Almost every UK home is heated by a gas boiler. This means we’re heating our buildings with fossil fuels and not retaining the heat we create. These homes will need to be decarbonised by 2050 in order to support a Net Zero future and avoid the heaviest impacts of global warming. At Houseful we connect with households daily so we’re in a unique position to support homeowners’ understanding of how to decarbonise their home and enable that journey.

The UK has some of the oldest houses in Europe, 60% of which are not energy efficient.

How we show up for our Houseful people

We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, and are always striving to do and be better. Our DE&I mission is to be more welcoming, fair and representative, every day. Head to our culture section to learn more about how we invest in our people, support growth and foster inclusion.

Graphic of Annual Diversity report

Gender Pay Gap Report

We report on our gender pay gap regularly so we can get an accurate sense of gender equality at Houseful and work to close the gap.


Top 25% of Tech benchmark for DE&I employee survey scores

How we’re supporting the community

At Houseful, we believe everyone should have a safe, comfortable place to call home. Yet almost 160,000 households are currently experiencing homelessness in Britain. In 2021, we launched a long-term partnership with Crisis, the national charity for people experiencing homelessness. Together, we are working to end homelessness today, tomorrow, and for good. Read more about our partnership with Crisis and how we’re measuring our impact in our ESG report.


spent volunteering in the community


raised for Crisis


Coaching young people

We have a community programme with three focus areas

Make change

For today

we work to support people who are currently experiencing homelessness through volunteering and fundraising. In partnership with Crisis.

Enable change

For tomorrow

supporting vulnerable young people to reduce their risk of experiencing homelessness through education and mentoring. In partnership with Future Frontiers, the Mayor's Fund for London, STEM Ambassadors and TechSheCan

Influence change

For good

supporting changes to the system that will end the cycle of homelessness by using our data, insights and influence to accelerate systemic change, for good. In partnership with Crisis

How we ensure our ESG strategy is transparent and focused on the right things

Building Transparency

At Houseful we have an ESG Committee, a group of senior leaders from across the business. The committee works together to ensure clear, transparent reporting systems and to communicate with the broader business regularly on ESG matters and developments.

The committee meets quarterly to define long and short term plans and ambitions.

At the beginning of each year, our ESG committee works together to produce the annual ESG report covering the previous year. This uses data and storytelling to bring our ESG journey to life so we can communicate our progress to our employees and external parties.